A Guide to Simplifying Your Space

Welcome to a journey of transformation - not just for your space, but for your life. I say it often, but simplifying your environment is more than just a physical cleanup; it’s a pathway to a clearer, more intentional way of living. In this blog, I am going to provide you with the tangible steps you need to make to clear your space right now. 

The Essence of Simplification

Simplifying your space goes beyond mere organization. It’s about embracing an environment that mirrors your authentic self. I want you to envision a space where each belonging either serves a practical function or sparks genuine joy. This move towards minimalism is less about owning fewer things and more about making room for deeper satisfaction. It's about clearing the clutter not just on your shelves, but in your life, allowing for an inflow of clarity, and invaluable moments.

At its heart, the process of simplifying is a form of self-discovery. It challenges you to evaluate what is truly important and make conscious decisions about what deserves a place in your home and your life. It’s about enriching your life with experiences that resonate with your soul, crafting a sanctuary that supports and reflects who you truly are. Alright, I promise I am done now! I just so deeply believe in this work, so I want to express how far beyond the physical it goes.   

Now that we have gone over the ethos of simplification, let’s discuss how to simplify your space! 

Start With a Vision

Before you touch a single item, clarify what you want your space to look and feel like. Visualize your ideal living environment. How does it serve your daily routines? How does it reflect your personal values and aesthetics? Having a clear vision will guide your decluttering process, helping you make decisions that align with your goals.

The task of simplifying an entire home can feel overwhelming. Break it down by focusing on one room at a time, or even one area within a room. This approach allows you to see progress more quickly, providing motivation to continue. This is very similar to my “start with one drawer” mentality. I remember listening to an incredible Mel Robbins episode where she and her guest were discussing the difference between motivation and getting started. As long as you see the point in the task, then the motivation exists. So more often than not, you just need to start. This is why I say start with something small (because it’s so much easier to convince yourself to do a small task). Then the momentum will come! 

Apply the "Four-Box Method" for Each Area

As you tackle each space, bring four boxes (or bins) with labels: Keep, Donate/Sell, Recycle, and Trash. This method forces you to make a decision about each item you handle, preventing you from merely moving clutter from one place to another.

I am such a firm believer that everything should be removed when simplifying your space. This way you are making an intentional decision for each item (not just keeping to keep). This also helps keep your donated and recycled items in clear piles. 

Question Every Item's Existence in Your Space

I know that envisioning how you want your home to make you feel, and actually removing items to make this happen, are very different (the latter typically  being much harder). While there isn’t necessarily an easy cheat sheet in your process of simplification, I do encourage you to ask yourself certain questions as you declutter your space.

For each item, ask:

Does this serve a functional purpose in my life?

Does this bring me joy or enhance my current well-being?

Have I used this in the last year?

If I were shopping right now, would I buy this?

What to Ditch Right Now

For a full detailed guide on decluttering, make sure to read my recent Decluttering Deep Dive blog. With that, I do want to give a little insight to items you can declutter from your space right now:

  • Just-in-case items: We often cling to things for hypothetical future use. I mean how often do you say “I am sure I will wear this eventually.” Challenge yourself to let go of anything that hasn’t been used in a year. I can guarantee if it hasn’t been used in the last 365 days, it is probably just robbing space. 

  • Damaged and incomplete items: Broken objects or those missing parts often linger in our spaces, adding to the clutter. If it’s not worth fixing, it’s time to say goodbye. Trust me, as someone who used to be convinced she could DIY anything back together, it’s better to just let it go.

  • Duplicates: How many spare mugs or duplicate kitchen tools do you have? Keeping just your favorites not only frees up space but also lets you appreciate what you have.

  • Unused hobby materials: It’s great to try new things, but if a hobby isn’t bringing you joy or you haven’t engaged with it in months, consider passing the materials to someone who will use them.

  • Expired items: From medications to pantry items to makeup products, expired products take up valuable space and can even be harmful. 

Pro Tip: in your simplification process, label items! I am such an advocate of labeling anything with expired dates. When it comes to beauty products, here is a little cheat sheet to follow. 

Invest in Thoughtful Storage Solutions

After the decluttering phase, the way you store your remaining items plays a pivotal role in maintaining an organized, functional, and aesthetically pleasing space. Here’s how to approach this:

  • Assess Your Lifestyle: Begin by considering your daily routines and habits. What items do you use most frequently? These should be the most accessible (aka prime real estate). Less frequently used items can be stored higher up or in less accessible areas.

  • Choose Modular Storage: Opt for storage solutions that can adapt to your changing needs. Modular shelving units, adjustable drawer dividers, and furniture with built-in storage can grow and change with your lifestyle. If you are ever needing inspo, I always post my favorite products on our LTK. Also, if you are thinking of a storage solution that fits your unique space and inventory, Life In Jenera’s sister, LIJ Spaces, will build a custom solution for any of your needs. 

  • Label Everything: Labeling isn’t just for aesthetic purposes; it's a practical way to ensure every item finds its way back to its designated spot. I say this to everyone, but labeling is truly my golden rule. I cannot begin to tell you how much time it will save you in the long run. Trust me, it is essential for living a simple life. 

Regularly Reassess Your Space

Maintaining simplicity in your space is an ongoing task. Here are my top tips for keeping it this way:

  • Seasonal Check-ins: At the change of each season, take the opportunity to reassess your wardrobe, decorations, and any seasonal items. This not only helps keep your belongings relevant to the current season but also prevents accumulation of items no longer in use or needed.

  • Monthly Mini-Declutters: Set aside time each month to go through a particular area or category of your home. This could be as small as a junk drawer or as large as your garage. Regular check-ins prevent clutter from building up to overwhelming levels.

  • Adjust as Life Changes: Life events such as moving, a new baby, or even a new hobby can drastically change your needs at home. Use these times as opportunities to reassess your space and declutter or reorganize as needed.

Cultivate Mindful Consumption

Creating a simplified space isn’t just about decluttering; it’s equally about being intentional with what you bring into your space moving forward. Before making a new purchase, give yourself a cooling-off period to decide if it’s truly necessary. This pause can help you avoid impulse buys that you might regret later.

I don’t always follow the exact rule of “one in, one out.” But I do encourage myself that if I am purchasing clothing for a new season (for example), to go through the previous year’s wardrobe. This helps keep your possessions at a manageable level.

By following these steps, you'll find that simplifying your space is not only achievable but also immensely rewarding. It's about creating a home that supports your lifestyle, values, and well-being, allowing you to live more fully in a space that truly feels like yours. Please DM me with any questions or topics you would like me to cover!

If you need more help on this I encourage you to buy my book, “Life in Jeneral: A Joyful Guide to Organizing Your Home and Creating the Space for What Matters Most” here. or follow me on IG where I share all of my top tips & expert advice!

XX, Jen


HOUSE UPDATE: featuring Thermador


Decluttering Deep Dive