Spring Clean Once and for All

Ah…spring. A time of rejuvenation and new beginnings! Is there anything better than temperatures warming up and flowers blooming? Much like our surroundings, we tend to take this opportunity to start fresh, which is likely why spring cleaning is such a big deal. (And I mean big. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get the ultimate room-by-room spring cleaning checklist!) Spring cleaning has become the designated annual occasion for cleaning out those little, otherwise forgotten (or avoided) nooks and crannies in your home. It’s a great ritual to partake in if you ask me, but it also has me wondering…why do we limit this type of deep clean to once a year, when we know it’s probably warranted more than that?

And then I remember, it’s not because we’re lazy. It’s because we just don’t have the time. In that case, I wondered how we might utilize this opportunity to actually get our homes under control once and for all. So, instead of focusing solely on the deep clean portion of spring cleaning, I realized that the way to do this is by implementing systems and structure in places that have none. That way, we’ll be able to keep our homes in order all throughout the year simply with these small actions we took this spring. Keep reading for my top tips on how you can spring clean once and for all!

Establish new habits

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…habits are the key to every long-term change. Spring cleaning is the perfect chance to establish some new habits. The most seamless way to implement them into your existing routine is by making them small and attainable. As you go about your spring cleaning, take note of the things you’re doing, and consider which ones could be done on a smaller scale more frequently throughout the year. Then, think about where you might be able to seamlessly incorporate them into your day to day (or week to week.) Check out our blog post on 10 daily habits to promote an organized lifestyle for some ideas!

Create A Designated Home For Everything

Without a doubt, the best way to maintain your spring clean is by getting all your things organized as you do it. Go beyond cleaning surfaces, and truly tidy your home from the inside with some added systems of organization throughout. We’re obsessed with organizing because it gives every item in your home a designated home where it can return to when finished with use. It goes far beyond the look of a tidy space and all the way into streamlining your routine so you can live a little bit more simply. When you know where something should go after using it, you don’t even need to put much thought into returning it, thus making the cleanup process easier! 

Add Systems Into Your Trouble Spots

It’s inevitable. Some spaces are just harder to keep tidy than others. Maybe you hang out in one spot, your kiddos craft in a designated area, or you have a room that acts as a catch-all. No matter the reason, there’s a solution! As you spring clean your home, be sure to add systems into the places you know clutter is bound to pile up. And make sure they make sense to you. If microsorting isn’t realistic for you, or you have kids, you can keep it as simple as adding a little containment for clean-up time.

Spring Cleaning Products You’ll Love

So, as you embark on your spring cleaning journey this year, try to keep in mind the different ways you can conquer the clutter once and for all, instead of just once this year. Ditch the one-and-done mentality associated with spring cleaning as you incorporate organization into your routine! If you need a little guidance when it comes to getting your home organized, you’re in the right place. Our blog is a great place to start! We share tips, products, hacks…all the things you’ll ever need to kickstart and maintain your journey to organization! Hope to see you around here in our organized little corner of the Internet again. xx Jen


10 Organized Travel Essentials


Jen’s March Roundup