Jen's Pantry Organization Must-Haves

There is nothing like the feeling of an organized pantry where everything you need is accessible (& aesthetic). When it comes to choosing the products to contain and support you, I like to focus on function and efficiency. 

Before figuring out your containment solutions, I recommend taking all of your pantry items out and placing them on the counter. From there, categorize (don’t worry, I will go over this one with a little more depth). The final step before organizing will be dispose or donate anything you no longer need. This template will be an easy way for you to understand exactly what you have and what like-minded items you can store together. You will also be able to see your pantry completely bare, which will give you a clearer idea on the amount of space you are working with. 

When it comes to categorizing, or placing your items together, I like to go by zone. Zoning your pantry allows you to clearly see what food you have and what needs restocking. It also provides a better, more efficient method for putting groceries away. Everything has a home and it’s clearly marked! What I also love about zones is they work for all style pantries: walk-in pantry, small pantry, cabinet pantry, or deep drawer pantry.

a few tips for zoning your pantry:

  1. Before zoning your pantry, look over your current goods so you have a better idea of your lifestyle and diet. Separate the items that make sense (to you) on the counter! Grab some sticky notes and a pen. I love to place the sticky notes with the different zone labels in the areas I am thinking (before storing them)! To get you started, here are some common zones to create in pantries:

    • Breakfast items

    • Snacks

    • Condiments

    • Pastas and grains

    • Canned goods 

    • Sauces and soup

  2. Designate the appropriate zone for each category based on how often you use the item and size of the space. If you cook pasta every night, make sure it’s within easy reaching distance and it’s zone has enough space for all the dry pasta you will want! Remember to leave a little extra room for growth. 

  3. The next step is the fun part! I am going to share with you 7 of my favorite products for storage and containment in your pantry.

Modular Acrylic Bins

Whether it’s power bars, gummies, or ramen, these bins are a dream! What I love about bins is they work for any pantry (or space) you are working with. From walk-in pantries, small pantries, cabinet pantries, or even a few deep drawers, these bins will make your life so much easier. I personally love the case of 8, so I can store some in each zone. Remember, this part should be a little experiential. Play around with what items make sense for you. It should be a little game of trial-and-error, before you find the solution that fits your needs. Make sure to label them with a general title in the front. For example, “granola bars” or “broth.” It seems small, but it can make a massive difference when you’re unloading groceries or searching for a quick snack on the go.

Pop square canisters

These are one of my favorite canisters when it comes to decanting. Ultimately, the decision of whether to decant or not-to-decant, is absolutely a personal preference. With that, I personally find a pantry of similar style bins and clear labels much more efficient than a mix match of food boxes and bags. 

For a little inspirations, here are some of the items I typically choose to decant:

  • Pasta

  • Crackers

  • Chips

  • Cereal

  • Dry lentils and grains

  • Nuts

  • Baking ingredients

I love a variety of air-tight canisters for decanting, but these pop square ones are so user friendly and come in a variety of sizes! I also love that they are clear so you can see when your food item is running low and it’s time to restock! For labeling, I love to place the name of the item on the front and using a dissolvable label, place the expiration date of the item on the bottom!

Lazy Susan

One of my favorite organization items ever! It has so much versatility. When it comes to pantry organization, my favorite way to utilize this lazy susan is for condiments. Keeping your honey, peanut butter, or mustard on a rotating stand will relieve all the agony that comes with rummaging through row after row of condiments. 

If you are working with a cabinet pantry, this will be your game changer. You want all your most-loved items to be quick to grab. The lazy susan will allow all your favorites to be convenient to grab! The acrylic and bamboo are two of my favorites!

Rolling Cart

If you are working with a smaller pantry (or even if you don’t have an official pantry), a utility cart will give you the perfect amount of extra storage space! You can think of the cart like an extra spot for one of your zones. Whether you keep your condiments, breakfast foods, snacks, or canned items on it, I recommend placing some of the modular bins and/or canisters to keep everything contained and structured! You probably already know what I am going to say, but make sure to label before putting everything away.

Over The Door Rack

Another one of my favorite small space hacks! When I am working with a client who has a smaller space, I always recommend going vertical. Vertical space is so often forgotten about, but it can truly be a game-changer when you are craving a little extra storage. This over-the-door rack is perfect to hang over your pantry door (or any door nearby). It’s incredibly durable and makes it so easy to separate all of your belongings.

Like everything, do what works for you! Maybe start by placing condiments in the smaller baskets and grains in the larger ones. See what makes sense for you and your day-to-day lifestyle!


You probably already know how much I love a good riser so you better believe it’s making my top 7! One of the most common complaints I hear with pantries is being stuck searching for one can (or condiment) through row and row of items. 

Risers are such a quick & aesthetic answer to this. I love to do a few different sizes to display cans (or anything else) on different levels. You will be able to see all of your items without having to search at all.

Woven Baskets

I love to include a few woven baskets in pantries because they are so adaptable. They are perfect for storing items you don’t use as often and putting them on a higher shelf. They also work amazing for bulk items you might have! I love to stock them with extra water bottles, extra ziplock baggies, or protein powders and store them. This might also be a personal preference, but I think they can make a pantry so aesthetically pleasing too! For labeling, I love to use a bin clip label!

As you start to transform your pantry, don’t forget to start small and be kind to yourself. It should be a journey so it might take time to find the exact systems and set-up that work for you. For more pantry organization tips & motivation, follow along on our Instagram Reels, Instagram Stories, Tik Tok, Pinterest & Newsletter.



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