How To Practice Self Care During The Holidays

When most of us think of the holidays, we probably think of the theme of “giving.” Whether it’s the giving of gifts, time, or energy, the holidays have the general reputation of putting others before yourself. All while exuding cheer and joy. While I think this is a beautiful sentiment, we can’t show up for others if we don’t fill our own cups first. By incorporating small, intentional actions in my day, I have been able to approach this time with a calm and balanced mindset. I am going to share with you some of my favorite forms of self-care during the holidays. 

  1. Take Care Of Your Body

I think we all thought “I need to eat better” or  “I need more sleep,” at some point during the holiday season. While it’s important to be gentle and not criticize yourself for treats and late nights, make sure to ensure time for adequate sleep and nutritious foods. At the mercy of all cliches, it’s about balance, and when you prioritize healthy foods and that extra 30 minutes of sleep, your entire mindset can shift. 

I used to approach the season with the expectation that I would workout or move my body 5-6 times a week. Unfortunately, that’s just not a reality in my life right now. With that, when I tell myself I am going to intentionally move my body in a way that feels good one day a week during the holidays, I feel proud and accomplished. 

2. Set Boundaries

Boundaries are essential. More than ever, it’s so important to establish and honor your limitations during the holidays. It's okay to say no to invitations or requests that don't align with your values or that you don't have the energy for. This can help protect your time and energy and avoid overcommitting yourself.

3. Make Space For All Emotions

There is a lot of pressure to “feel” a certain way during the holidays. I like to schedule “time outs” during the week to check in on my true feelings. It can be a short moment where I ask myself “how am I doing?” or “how am I feeling?” I write down whatever the answer is, whether that’s a positive emotion, negative emotion, or a combo of the two. I instantly feel more at peace when I’ve been honest with where my current state of mind is at. 

4. Engage In Deep Breathing or Meditation

This is still a newer concept for me, so I am by no means an expert. What I do know is when I give myself a little bit of stillness and silence at some point in the day (even if it’s just 5 minutes), I can feel my nervous system soften. I don’t necessarily participate in specific breathing techniques, but even just becoming a little more aware of my breath for that segment of time, I feel better and calmer. I also love to switch it up with a guided meditation from Headspace

5. Take A Break From Technology

I think we all have people in our lives where you are trying to have a conversation with them, but they won’t stop staring at their phone. I would be lying if I didn’t admit to being said person from time to time. This is my gentle reminder to me and you to be present during this time. Constant exposure to screens and social media can be overwhelming, stressful, and can take away from your time with loved ones. 

A technology break can look different for everyone, and there is no wrong or right way of going about it! You can truly tailor it to your needs. If you struggle with endless scrolling on social media, maybe consider deleting your social apps for the day (or a few days). If you tend to get easily distracted with incoming texts and emails, try turning on Do Not Disturb for a few hours (you can even set a timer for when you can check your phone next). 

6. Sunday Reset

If you have been following LIJ for a while, you know that I swear by a Sunday Reset. It’s a designated time where I can go around my home, tidying up, and “schooching” anything I need to. During the holidays, I definitely have to be flexible about how much time I can dedicate to it. With that, even if it’s just 15 minutes, I know I will feel so much better afterwards (it’s like a workout ;). If you are looking for reset specifics, make sure to take a peek at my 7 favorite Sunday resets

7. Practice Gratitude

This might be my favorite one. You might be wondering how practicing gratitude is a form of self-care. If you reflect on how you feel when you recognize things you are grateful for, what do you think of? For me, I notice that I express more compassion, general excitement, and even sleep better. Whether you write in a journal your pieces of gratitude or simply acknowledge them in your mind, it can truly change everything. 

I would love to know your forms of self-care during this time! Please comment below or DM your favorites! This time can be so magical and also so tricky, so take care of yourselves. 

Happy Holidays,

xx Jen


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