How to Avoid the Sunday Scaries

Sundays are best spent as a day of rest between the end of the weekend and the beginning of the week. It’s a day some use for complete rejuvenation or one where to-do lists and chores are tackled to prepare for the week.

However you choose to spend yours, you may not be exempt from the Sunday scaries—you know, that feeling of dread that often comes with the last day of the weekend. Knowing that it’s the last day to rest can sometimes, ironically, bring on feelings of stress that overpower any desire to actually recharge for the coming week. They sometimes even prevent us from being present in the moment entirely.

So, how can you eliminate these feelings and enjoy the here and now this Sunday? The answer is simple: make the day yours. Take charge of your time all throughout the week so that you can finally make the most of every weekend! Here are a few ways you can avoid the scaries this Sunday:

Use your weekdays wisely. Squeezing in even just one task a day throughout the week to tidy up your home will save you time over the weekend to simply enjoy yourself. This might look like folding and putting away laundry, putting away clean dishes, emptying your recycle bin, sorting through your mail, or tackling any other areas of clutter.

Take on what feels manageable. Remember, ‘no’ is always a perfectly good answer! Consider what you commit yourself to, aiming to not overbook yourself. Check in with yourself throughout the week. If you’re feeling exhausted by the time the weekend rolls around, it may be in your best interest to let some activities go, so that your weekend can be enjoyable and a time for relaxation, rather than burnout.

Move your body. Whether this looks like a long walk, a hike, a workout class with a friend, or hitting the gym, exercise clears the mind and releases endorphins (our feel-good hormones!) These hormones trigger positive feelings in the body, decreasing stress and boosting happiness. This does not have to be a vigorous exercise, simply getting your body moving will help to increase dopamine and serotonin levels, kicking those Sunday scaries to the curb.

Choose self care. Get your largest tasks out of the way on Friday or Saturday, and dedicate Sunday to yourself and whatever will best uplift you for the week ahead. Let Sunday be your day to unplug, rest, and replenish. Among all of these things, treat yourself! Make Sunday the day you gift yourself, from ordering your favorite takeout for dinner, to watching that show you’ve been waiting to see, or spending time with loved ones.

Make Monday plans. You will, of course, have responsibilities and things to tackle on Monday. To set yourself up for a successful week and avoid Monday blues, plan something to look forward to on Monday evening. Whether this looks like a Facetime with family, having a friend over for a wine night, or cooking your favorite meal for dinner, give yourself something positive to look forward to throughout the day. By crafting smooth sailing on your Monday, you can create more space to enjoy Sunday!

Hopefully these little tips offer a few takeaways that will motivate you to make the most of every Sunday! Setting yourself up for success in small ways can add up and make a huge difference over time. How do you avoid the Sunday scaries? Let us know your go-to methods!


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