3 Ways to Buy Quality Over Quantity

Having a home free of constraints, emotional barriers, and clutter doesn’t just depend on managing and tidying what we own. It’s also affected by what we bring into our homes once we’ve gotten our existing inventory tidied and organized. Within the idea of living with intention lives the philosophy of buying quality over quantity. Before I lose you, this does not mean living like a minimalist. For some, that’s an attainable lifestyle. For others, it’s just not going to happen. 

Buying quality over quantity actually means buying fewer but higher-quality things instead of lots of those smaller, poorly crafted, cheaper items that you know won’t last long. As people, we tend to feel drawn to a deal. I totally get it—finding a product dupe or buying a bunch of things during a sale often feels like someone is dangling a shiny object in front of your face. And how could you possibly resist that? Well, in those moments, remember how the accumulation of those things overwhelmed you a few months ago, or how the last cheap item you bought was a goner after less than a month of use. To help you become a savvy shopper and buy with a little less impulse and a little more intention, here are our best tips for buying quality over quantity:

Determine if you even really need the item

List 5 ways it can help simplify your life at present. Don’t think about the future to justify the purchase; buy for your current needs and lifestyle. This is one of the most difficult things for us to do, because we’re constantly looking towards the future. But the fact of the matter is that what you might think you need once the kids are out of school for summer, or for that wedding in 6 months, might not be so useful when the time comes. How will the item improve your life as it currently stands? If you can’t list 5 ways, it’s probably not worth the impulse buy. If you’re really unsure, give yourself some time to think about it. Maybe a month, maybe a few, depending on what it is. If you still find yourself wanting or needing it, go for it! If it’s no longer calling out to you, you may have never even needed it after all.

Think of where it might go in your home

Is there even room for the thing you’re about to buy? Think about what items you purged most in each room when organizing your home, and let that guide what you choose to buy in the future. Remember where you were already pressed for space, and decide if adding this item in would tip the scales. Further, remember why you got rid of similar items in the first place. If it’s because there wasn’t enough room for it to be stored, you can probably pass.

Listen to your gut

To catch yourself from sliding back into old habits of disorganization and old ways of thinking, think about that deeply settled type of happiness you’ve experienced when your house makes you feel put together, calm, and ultimately, comfortable. (If you’re not familiar with this feeling, it sounds like your organizational journey has yet to begin! You’re in the right place. Grab my book, Life in Jeneral, and sign up for the book club now to get started.) Pay attention if and when you begin to lose that feeling. If a sense of unease begins to creep back in, it’s time to take another look inward—what old emotional barriers might be kicking in?

No matter how you look at it, buying fewer but higher-quality things usually isn't more expensive in the long run, since you’ll be replacing less frequently. It can also help you be more thoughtful about what you bring into your home and your life, so you’ll end up with items you can enjoy for  a long time. When making purchases, think about what items you purged most in each room when organizing your home, and let that guide what you choose to buy in the future.

For tips, tricks, product picks, and inspiration for home organization, make sure you grab your copy of Life in Jeneral if you haven’t yet and sign up for the LIJ Book Club! There’s a 70 page workbook with exercises to help you work through your emotional barriers and goals in relation to organizing, and of course, step-by-step guidance to do the work. For even more support and encouragement, follow along with the book club on our Instagram, too!


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