3 Things to do Before You Get Organized

We’re almost there! It’s almost time to begin the physical process of organizing. As you mentally prepare and finish up your soul work, there are a few things I want you to do before you begin. These are some of the best ways you can prepare for the tasks ahead, and they’ll serve as great reminders for you if you ever feel lost or stuck along the way. If you haven’t already, be sure to download our workbook for step-by-step monthly calendars to guide you through organizing each room in your home.

Keep Your Goal Where You Can See It

One last time, I want you to ask yourself, “What do I really want for my home?” When pondering this question a second time around, try and get even more specific than you did at the start of this month. Your answer should set the tone for month two. One way to really break this down is to consider your life at this moment. What would make your current daily routine easier? An area of the kitchen dedicated to kids’ school lunches? A designated area to store components for your passion project? An easy-to-navigate kitchen so you can cook with ease? A space that allows you to perform at your best ability during work hours? Get down to the nitty gritty and nail down all the small details that make up your goals.

No matter the goal, ensure that it’s realistic in regard to your current lifestyle. To remind yourself of these goals, put your answers somewhere you can see often. Write them down in your phone, your planner, tape them to your fridge, or even your bathroom mirror. Let these answers serve as a constant reminder of the life that you want to create for yourself, and how possible it is to achieve the outcome. This way, you’ll never lose sight of how worthwhile this change will be as you go through it.

Do a Walk-Through of Your Home

Before you begin to organize, go room by room and take notes of the organizational challenges you’re currently faced with. With each challenge, rank the way that it makes you feel from one to ten, with 10 signaling that you love the space exactly as it is, and that it is organized to your satisfaction. 1, on the other hand, signals that the space is a definite problem area for you, and brings you stress regularly.

I’ll let you in on a secret: almost everyone has a ‘1’ somewhere in their home. That corner that brings about feelings of anxiety every time you pass it? We’ve all faced a version of that at some point or another. Acknowledging this space and making a plan to address it can help to bring relief and initiate your journey of tackling it once and for all.

Make a Practical Plan That Fits Your Lifestyle

Your current schedule and responsibilities will ultimately play a role in how much time can be dedicated to organizing your home. With this in mind, it’s up to you to determine how you’re going to do it. You don’t have to follow any specific schedule! Instead, create a plan that matches your household’s routine. Whether you have a free week, some free work nights, or a busy week that only allows time to organize on the weekends, you can do this. If it takes you all year, great. Nothing wrong with that! The only requirement when making a plan is that you make it realistic and manageable so it can be followed through on.

So, where should I start?

  • Skip the home office and garage for now. These spaces tend to take more time and energy to work through. Save areas with files, memorabilia, and photo organization for the very last. 

  • A great place to begin is with the smaller victories. Spaces where you store your cleaning supplies, a spice cabinet, or a joy (versus junk) drawer are safe places to gain momentum in the process. 

  • Prioritize spaces with the highest ranking pain points, aside from the office, garage, memorabilia, and files.

Finally, be sure to communicate your organization goals with your household before you begin. Let them know what you want to accomplish, why, and how they might be able to help. Communicating this from the get go helps to build a support system for you along the way. 

For more information on beginning the process of organizing, and every step along the way, make sure you grab your copy of Life in Jeneral if you haven’t yet and sign up for the LIJ Book Club! There’s a 70 page workbook with exercises to help you work through your emotional barriers and goals in relation to organizing, and of course, step-by-step guidance to do the work. For even more support and encouragement, follow along with the book club on our Instagram, too!


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